Monday, December 3, 2007

Gracie photos and Kindermusic Graduation!

Just a few various photos of Gracie over the past couple of weeks. She continues to be the silliest, funniest, boisterous, gregarious, and outgoing little girl! As we talked about the HOPE we have as we celebrate Advent (looking forward to Christ coming at Christmas and coming again!), we marveled at the hope that Gracie now has. Her life may not have been filled with much hope if God wouldn't have prepared the way for us to adopt her. She says hi and bye (loudly with a huge smile) to absolutely everyone, no matter where we are- in the mall, at the grocery store, taking a walk, in church..... I have had so many smiles from people that may never have had anyone greet them like that! It is so fun watch!

Here she is naked riding on her "horsey"- (most animals other than dogs are horsies! She's dressed up in her fancy Chinese dress for church last Sunday; playing with puppies- almost too big to hold now! Being silly as usual, and finally her graduation from Kindermusic! She has loved that class- and loves "Miss Susan"- her teacher! It has started to help her to follow directions and learn to sit and listen (kinda! ha!)She was definitely the busiest little one in the class!

She is having more and more success on the potty these days! She is motivated to wear her Dora pullups, so has to potty first to get them on! Her language is really improving- she surprises us many times with the words she knows! She loves to pray at the table, often 2 or 3 times during a meal!

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