Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Gracie Day October 30, 2007
Today, we celebrated having Gracie one full year. We read the book "I Love you like Crazy Cakes" many times over the last few days and talked alot about what happened a year ago. I asked her many questions, were you sad when we got you, were you mad, did you like the orphanage, did you like the plane ride, were you glad to get a mommy, daddy and brothers... She answered them all the same - dyea (her form of yes- with a d sound in front :o) She also would go get that book whenever we talked about it, so maybe she connects something! Joey, Gracie and I went to eat at a Chinese restaurant to celebrate (and also to celebrate Joey getting his drivers permit!!! :o):) Wade is in Boise, and Kirk is in Columbus OHio at a conference :o( We missed both of them today! But we are so very thankful what God has done over the past year. It is truly a miracle!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Nanchang October 29, 2006
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Just a year ago today.....
"Hi from Hong Kong! We got out of Denver in a snow storm Thursday morning and had to wait an hour and a half while they de-iced our plane. But, got to San Fransisco fine and made our flight to Hong Kong. (Over half of the flights were cancelled so God was really watching over us!) Very long plane ride- hard to sleep and not very comfortable- 4 movies and 3 meals later, we finally arrived. (It never got dark the whole trip, which was very wierd.) Have met some great folks in our travel group- one from Denver and the other 5 families from all over the country!
God is good, and I was overcome with emotion on the plane, as I realized again, how blessed and priviledged we are to have been chosen to be a blessing to baby Grace. God could have chosen anyone to go on this wonderful journey of grace, but he chose us. We are the blessed ones and can't wait to share the moments with you, as we receive her in our arms in just 40 hours or so!"
Very nostalgic time this weekend as we remember "a year ago". It seems so long ago- like there was never a time without Gracie. Much has changed in our lives in a short year- holy cow! Wade has graduated from high school, left home, on his own, and going to college. Joey is in a new school, has grown up from a boy to a man, and is in high school. Kirk pioneered a new building project for the Canon City church and is now pastoring a church 6 times the size of the one in Canon! I have gone from a working busy mom to a stay at home mom, moved our family across the state, helped with 2 litters of puppies, bought and tried to sell a home... and haven't gone completely crazy! Gracie has gone from a very angry and scared little skinny baby to a happy, busy, extraverted, charming, well nourished little toddler! It is a little mind-boggling to see what God has done in all of our lives during this past year! We became a family of 5 overnight!
Join me as I reflect on the journey of our lifetime- a year ago!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Charlie and 10 Labradoodle Puppies!

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
My Big 2 Year Old!

We've seen many changes in Gracie these past weeks as she's made the milestone to a 2 year old!
- She can put socks and shoes (velcro ones) on herself
- She takes clothes off, even tries to get her diaper off!
- She says my and mine MUCH more often!
- She's talking much more (not sentences yet though)
- She'll go into her room and close the door to play herself (but can't get out :o)
- She doesn't want to sit in a high chair anymore
- She tries to comb her own hair
- She knows that Charlie (dog) is about to have babies!
- She likes to play with her dolls and undress them
- She pretends much more
- Joey has taught her to play with trains and airplanes
- She loves playing in the sand pile (likes to take her clothes off first :o)
- She can climb up her climer play toy by herself
- She tells us most of the time that she's peed or pooped her diaper and wants it changed
- She is starting to learn to share (a little)
- She remembers many songs from Kindermusic and loves to dance
- She throws wonderful 2 year temper-tantrums when she is tired!
- She is taking 1 nap now, most of the time
- Still sleeping 11-13 hours at night :o)
- She stopped asking for her ba-ba (bottle) a couple weeks ago
- Still loves her doggie and ducky stuffed animals
- Sleeps with so much stuff in her crib (dollies, blankets, stuffed animals and books)
- Getting more comfortable in the water (but still doesn't want to dunk her head)
- She loves the church nursery now and waves bye to mom
- She loves the bike trailer and falls asleep every ride at 30 minutes
- Her hair is finally growing (can almost get it all in a ponytail or pigtails!)
- She is fast at grabbing things, esp at a restaurant table!
- She still hates to sit still
- Loves to carry a purse and snatch anyone's purse at church and make it her own!
- But, she loves rocking time at Kindermusic and puts her head on my shoulder and says nite nite :o)
- She doesn't know a stranger
- At Subway, before we knew it, she was sitting a table with a strange man and sharing his food!
- At soccer games, she will go up to anyone and help herself to their food or toys
- She loves sunflower seeds (jalapeno/salsa ones!) and spicy doritos
- She will finally sit (kind of) and watch a DVD
- Her favorite DVD's are Elmo and Boz
- She loves to crawl up on the table or counters, then has a smirky smile knowing she shouldn't be there
- She has learned to turn off/on the portable DVD and knows what the buttons mean
- She still loves rice,tofu and noodles the best!
We are very thankful for this wonderful little girl, who only 11 1/2 months ago still sat in an orphange waiting for her forever family! Even though she is so busy and active and can be a handful, she charms us (and many others) with her smile, laugh and curious/outgoing personality.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Wade home for a weekend!!

Friday, October 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Gracie's 2 year Birthday