We've seen many changes in Gracie these past weeks as she's made the milestone to a 2 year old!
- She can put socks and shoes (velcro ones) on herself
- She takes clothes off, even tries to get her diaper off!
- She says my and mine MUCH more often!
- She's talking much more (not sentences yet though)
- She'll go into her room and close the door to play herself (but can't get out :o)
- She doesn't want to sit in a high chair anymore
- She tries to comb her own hair
- She knows that Charlie (dog) is about to have babies!
- She likes to play with her dolls and undress them
- She pretends much more
- Joey has taught her to play with trains and airplanes
- She loves playing in the sand pile (likes to take her clothes off first :o)
- She can climb up her climer play toy by herself
- She tells us most of the time that she's peed or pooped her diaper and wants it changed
- She is starting to learn to share (a little)
- She remembers many songs from Kindermusic and loves to dance
- She throws wonderful 2 year temper-tantrums when she is tired!
- She is taking 1 nap now, most of the time
- Still sleeping 11-13 hours at night :o)
- She stopped asking for her ba-ba (bottle) a couple weeks ago
- Still loves her doggie and ducky stuffed animals
- Sleeps with so much stuff in her crib (dollies, blankets, stuffed animals and books)
- Getting more comfortable in the water (but still doesn't want to dunk her head)
- She loves the church nursery now and waves bye to mom
- She loves the bike trailer and falls asleep every ride at 30 minutes
- Her hair is finally growing (can almost get it all in a ponytail or pigtails!)
- She is fast at grabbing things, esp at a restaurant table!
- She still hates to sit still
- Loves to carry a purse and snatch anyone's purse at church and make it her own!
- But, she loves rocking time at Kindermusic and puts her head on my shoulder and says nite nite :o)
- She doesn't know a stranger
- At Subway, before we knew it, she was sitting a table with a strange man and sharing his food!
- At soccer games, she will go up to anyone and help herself to their food or toys
- She loves sunflower seeds (jalapeno/salsa ones!) and spicy doritos
- She will finally sit (kind of) and watch a DVD
- Her favorite DVD's are Elmo and Boz
- She loves to crawl up on the table or counters, then has a smirky smile knowing she shouldn't be there
- She has learned to turn off/on the portable DVD and knows what the buttons mean
- She still loves rice,tofu and noodles the best!
We are very thankful for this wonderful little girl, who only 11 1/2 months ago still sat in an orphange waiting for her forever family! Even though she is so busy and active and can be a handful, she charms us (and many others) with her smile, laugh and curious/outgoing personality.
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