Boy was this session of whelping puppies an interesting one! Charlie was very restless Saturday night, so we knew it may be time. (earlier than we thought though). Sunday morning, I sent the kds off to church with a friend at 9 and before 11:30 am, we had 8 puppies! Charlie didn't like being in the swimming pool- she had other plans! After lots of hard labor and pushing, she jumped out of the pool and started running around the house (mind you, she is having lots of discharge- not a pretty sight!). I hear a yelp from her, then she starts running more, then I hear a cry of a puppy! I found a blob of puppy in the hall that didn't look right (blood was splattered on the walls and floor!- fortunately we don't have carpet upstairs in the main rooms). It looked as though it's neck was broken or deformed; I wanted to try to revive it, but couldn't stomach it- I knew it was dead. So, I call for Charlie and find her in the bathroom, with another puppy on the floor. Stuff is everywhere- I'm frantic trying to get my rags and towels. (I had everything neatly ready by the plastic pool in the kitchen!). After I knew that pup was Ok, I took it back to the pool, hoping Charlie would follow. She wouldn't go in, nor would she clean it up or nurse it. She had 2 more pups on the floor of the kitchen! Nikki (our other lab- Charlies' mom) is in the pool cleaning off the 2 puppies, and growling at Charlie! :o). It was a sight to behold- I won't try to describe what the floors and house looked like for you weak stomached people! I finally decided to bring Charlie back to the bathroom and put Nikki outside. Charlie finally settled in and started to clean and nurse the puppies. (I think the first dead one must have really made her want to reject the litter. ) I had to really coax her along and get her to nurse and clean the pups. She had another 6 in the next hour! Things settled in and we thought it was over. I was napping (got very little sleep the night before) and Kirk came down and said another pup was born (this was 4 hours later!). It was fine and we cleaned up once again. Got her settled in the bathroom for the night, and at 10pm, she started pushing again! I was ready to go to bed. Another was born that was dead. I tried really hard to revive it, but no luck. SHe immediately had another one though that was fine.
Well, out of the total of 12 pups, 8 were black and 4 yellow. 10 lived (6 black and 4 yellow). We have 3 boys and 7 girls. They are all doing fine now and Charlie is finally being a good mom. She growls at Nikki when she comes close, but Nikki growls back! So, that is fun! WE've been keeping the pups and Charlie closed up in the bathroom! So much for that swimming pool that I looked all over town for ( and finally found on Saturday!).
Gracie loves to go in and watch the puppies- she is much more interested than 6 months ago. If anyone knows someone interested in a Labradoodle, let us know!
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i hoped you liked my comment i had 2 put it as anonymous because it wouldn't let me publish my comment otherwise from katie.
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