Monday, December 29, 2008

Gracie and Hannah

Gracie and Hannah Cyphers only get to play together a few times a year, but they sure have a great time. Hannah is just a year older than Gracie, and was also adopted from China by our great friends in Denver.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gracie and Liam

Here's Gracie with her newest 2nd cousin Liam. Liam is 6 weeks old and is Nina's baby (Kirk's niece). She is enthralled with little babies, and of course, wants then to be a baby herself!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merrry Christmas

Merry Christmas from the Yamaguchi Family

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Goose Hunting

Kirk and Joey have been going goose hunting alot lately- having a blast, but COLD! Gracie always runs out to them when they get back and asks if they caught any gooses! She loves petting them!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lots of snow in Grand Junction!

We've enjoyed lots of snow here these past couple of weeks! Gracie loves playing in it by playing on her playground and building snow men and forts. The boys made a huge snow man on Christmas and had a blast - just like old times!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wade cut his dreds!

THe dreds finally came out. Pretty gross- I won't go into any details! Wade looks nice and clean cut now! Chelsea and her folks love it!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gracie's new songs

Just this past week, Gracie is singing 2 songs - all of the song - in her way of course! (used to just be a line or a couple of words). Jesus Loves Me and Twinkle Little Star. She loves to entertain, so of course, now she really has an audience. She was walking down the steps yesterday and starting counting the steps- she counted all the way to 10 (just missed 3 and 4). She continues to surprise us and entertain us- every day, all day!