Friday, February 20, 2009

1 Year Ago Today

Just one year ago today, Kirk had surgery to repair his torn Achilles tendon. He sure had a rough time for a number of months. We are thankful that he has healed completely and is back to snowboarding again! Wow hard to believe a year has passed. We were looking at his calf last night, and although it's much stronger than it's been, its' still smaller and the muscles are different. Guess his legs aren't quite as sexy as they used to be! Ha! I still think they're great though!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chinese New Year and Sick Girl

Chinese New Year wasn't too great this year, as Gracie has been sick alot. We tried to go to the lunch for all the adopted Asian Children, but she didn't make it for too long. This is all I got of a picture. We'll try the cute outfit again when she's feeling better.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

BLowing Bubbles and cooking Tofu!

Gracie learned to blow bubbles today and was practicing while cooking tofu (one of her favorites!) Quite a feat and a multitasker I have on my hands!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gracie starts Preschool Today

Gracie started a preschool today 2 mornings a week. She loves it- doesn't even cry for us when we leave! Loves all the activities and things to do. She is really tired afterwards though.Even got 2 braids in her hair today! See the before and after pictures!