Friday, October 26, 2007

Just a year ago today.....

Just a year ago today, we boarded a plane for China for our journey to Grace! Here's the entry in our last blog -

"Hi from Hong Kong! We got out of Denver in a snow storm Thursday morning and had to wait an hour and a half while they de-iced our plane. But, got to San Fransisco fine and made our flight to Hong Kong. (Over half of the flights were cancelled so God was really watching over us!) Very long plane ride- hard to sleep and not very comfortable- 4 movies and 3 meals later, we finally arrived. (It never got dark the whole trip, which was very wierd.) Have met some great folks in our travel group- one from Denver and the other 5 families from all over the country!

God is good, and I was overcome with emotion on the plane, as I realized again, how blessed and priviledged we are to have been chosen to be a blessing to baby Grace. God could have chosen anyone to go on this wonderful journey of grace, but he chose us. We are the blessed ones and can't wait to share the moments with you, as we receive her in our arms in just 40 hours or so!"

Very nostalgic time this weekend as we remember "a year ago". It seems so long ago- like there was never a time without Gracie. Much has changed in our lives in a short year- holy cow! Wade has graduated from high school, left home, on his own, and going to college. Joey is in a new school, has grown up from a boy to a man, and is in high school. Kirk pioneered a new building project for the Canon City church and is now pastoring a church 6 times the size of the one in Canon! I have gone from a working busy mom to a stay at home mom, moved our family across the state, helped with 2 litters of puppies, bought and tried to sell a home... and haven't gone completely crazy! Gracie has gone from a very angry and scared little skinny baby to a happy, busy, extraverted, charming, well nourished little toddler! It is a little mind-boggling to see what God has done in all of our lives during this past year! We became a family of 5 overnight!

Join me as I reflect on the journey of our lifetime- a year ago!

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